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The power of color : how it can reduce fatigue, relieve monotony, enhance sexuality, and more / by Faber Birren.
Light, color & environment : presenting a wealth of data on the biological and psychological effects of color, with detailed recommendations for practical color use, special attention to computer facilities, and a historic review of period styles / Faber Birren.
The textile colorist / Faber Birren ; with ill. by Shirley Riffe.
Color & human response : aspects of light and color bearing on the reactions of living things and the welfare of human beings / Faber Birren.
Color perception in art / by Faber Birren.
A grammar of color : a basic treatise on the color system of Albert H. Munsell / edited and with an introd. by Faber Birren.
Principles of color : a review of past traditions and modern theories of color harmony.
Color for interiors, historical and modern : an essential reference work covering the major period styles of history and including modern palettes for the authentic decoration of homes, institutional and commercial interiors.
The principles of harmony and contrast of colors and their applications to the arts / by M.E. Chevreu ; based on the first English edition of 1854 as translated from the first French edition of 1839, De la loi du contraste simultané des couleurs.
Modern chromatics; students' text-book of color : with applications to art and industry / Including a facsim. of the 1st American ed. of 1879. Pref., introd., and commentary notes by Faber Birren.

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