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Mastering OpenCV 3 : gets hands-on with practical Computer Vision using OpenCV 3 / Daniel Lélis Baggio [and five others].
Mastering OpenCV 4 : a comprehensive guide to building computer vision and image processing applications with C++ / Roy Shilkrot, David Millán Escrivá.
OpenCV 3.x with Python by example : make the most of OpenCV and Python to build applications for object recognition and augmented reality / Gabriel Garrido, Prateek Joshi.
Building computer vision applications using artificial neural networks : with examples in OpenCV and TensorFlow with Python / Shamshad Ansari.
Infinite vision : how Aravind became the world's greatest business case for compassion / Pavithra K. Mehta, Suchitra Shenoy.
.NET Developer's Guide to Augmented Reality in iOS : Building Immersive Apps Using Xamarin, ARKit, and C# / by Lee Englestone.

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